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Yoo Tae Hyuk MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Yoo Tae Hyuk ? Yoo Tae Hyuk is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - so/sp - 738 in Enneagram, SCOAN in Big 5, ILE in Socionics.

It is obvious that Ti>Te, Fe>Fi. Throughout history, he has been systematic in his actions. He does not strive for external structure; on the contrary, he is most often busy structuring his thoughts. It is even characterized by a certain isolation of Ti users from others when he is confused about something or does not understand something. Does not make quick decisions and tries to weigh options. Also notice how mature he is in using his Fe. At the beginning of the manhwa, he uses Fe to ingratiate himself with Hyo Woon. Then he is tormented by his conscience for deceiving him. His Fe helps him predict Hyo Woon's moods and true feelings. The Fi user is more focused on their feelings. Just compare him to the same Hyo Woon, a Fi user who prioritizes his feelings. Easily accepts things that contradict his values. In some ways he reminds me a lot of Reigen. He was also mistyped into Entj because of his 3 in the Enneagram. Just like Reigen, he is objective in his opinions and systematic in his understanding of the world. And in some chapter he exactly repeated Reigen’s words “don’t use your abilities to harm others” (this does not mean that Te user will not care, but at that moment I was convinced that he and Reigen are similar). I’m not sure about his Ne, but I didn’t see any desire for sensory sensations in him, which is typical for Se users. I am not a user of the English language, but I hope I conveyed what I wanted to say. I can’t say anything about his Enneagram because I don’t know this typology well enough

