Erik Voss MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Erik Voss? Erik Voss is an ENFP personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - sp/sx - 639 in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

I love him so much omg. His feeling function is so well-developed and mature, so much so that I’m unsure whether it’s fe or Fi. It seems that ti is likely as a secondary to ne though. I don’t see a preference on Te if I’m honest. He seems to be more focused on breaking down the multiple components of his general theorem in subjective but extremely logical ways that seem to bode better for ne+ti. He’s also very anti-confrontational. He seems less prone to asserting his own views and opinions even when he might disagree, which is where I feel he’s got a very mature F function.

