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Buntarou Mori MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Buntarou Mori? Buntarou Mori is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 5w4 - sp/sx - 594 in Enneagram, RCUEN in Big 5, SLI in Socionics.

Throughout his whole life, Mori-kun ran away. He ran away from crowds. Ran away from society. From his parents. From his company. His colleagues. His "friends". Basically, Mori ran away from everyone that had demands for him. Why? Because they all disturbed his peace. Mori was a simple guy, he just wanted to climb, really. He found peace in the mountains which is why he climbed. There were no expectations for him there. Doesn't this sound absolutely like a 9?? As I said, Mori just wanted a peaceful life where he wouldn't be disturbed by the selfish demands and expectations of people. I didn't ever see him search for his identity, instead, wasn't he quite detached from himself? He had this habit of numbing himself, to the point that he forgot to take care of himself sometimes. Also, when he got married and became a father, he finally felt like he attained the peaceful life he wanted, and absolutely connected with his new family. (Even changed his surname!) Type 9 has the habit of merging with loved ones (esp sx 9), which makes perfect sense for him! From the Wisdom of the Enneagram, type 9 in their 6th health level reads as follows: "Nines are afraid that others will demand responses from them that may arouse anxiety and ruin their inner peace, so they downplay the importance of problems and try to deflect others. They stoically trudge through their lives, hanging on to wishful thinking and suppressing their anger." On point imo. Finally, I think 9w1 suits Buntarou more, as 9w8s are usually more aggressive whereas 9w1s are more about idealism. Also, I'd say sp>sx>so for him. The sp 9 seeks a pleasingly peaceful environment/life, while the sx 9 rather seeks to fuse with loved ones. Conclusion: 9w1 sp/sx


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