Pixar MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Pixar? Pixar is an ENFP personality type in MBTI, 4w3 - so/sp - 497 in Enneagram, SLUAI in Big 5, IEE in Socionics.

1.) Pixar has a fairly large NF biased. Depending on the film, that bias can lean towards ENFP or INFP. 2.) Both types are capable of nostalgia (along with any other type). Nostalgia isn’t a sign of strong Si. 3.) Pixar is an animation company that focuses on cgi over other techniques such as stop motion. In an INFP company, I’d expect to see the opposite for a couple of reasons. For one, cgi allows for less personal touch, which can make it less appealing to Fi. Also, their stronger sensory function makes the distance created by computers less appealing to INFPs. This is probably why so many INFP writers still write their books by hand. 4.) Carrying on from my last point, I think the inherent instability of CGI is very unappealing to INFP because of their Tert Si. The criticism against cgi (about how it doesn’t age as well) is a very Si criticism (focus on how something will endure over time). Tert Te is much more likely to appreciate as a constantly improving technology. The very instability that could bother INFPs will be seen by ENFPs as a strength. 5.) So, all in all, I think ENFP works better.


Pixar Animation Studios (/ˈpɪksɑːr/) is an American animation studio based in Emeryville, California, known for its critically and commercially successful computer-animated feature films. Since 2006, Pixar has been a subsidiary of Walt Disney Studios, a division of Disney Entertainment, a segment of the Walt Disney Company.
