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Eugene Roe MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Eugene Roe? Eugene Roe is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 2w1 - sp/so - 162 in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

i also though 2 at first, but his reluctanse to get close to the other men made me doubtful. this also made me think he might be an enneagram 1: "The areas in which the personalities of Ones and Twos overlap are their conscious-driven urge to be of service. However, the motivation behind those drives are fundamentally different. Ones are principle-based. Their wish to be of service comes from their need to do the right thing. Twos on the other hand are much more personal. They see the help they offer from the basepoint of forming relationships. That’s why they’re much quicker to form close connections than Ones, who value their autonomy much more. You can also see it in their expressions: Ones restrain their positive feelings much better than their critical ones, while with Twos it’s the exact opposite: They are quick to express their positive feelings, but much slower to express their anger and frustration."


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