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Jubal Early MBTI Personality Type

Jubal Early MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Jubal Early? Jubal Early is an personality type in MBTI, 5w4 - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

I vote evil ENFP. Here are some specific examples: Discussing the engine with Kaylee, he comments that the engine is a beating heart with a thousand pieces (NE), and then he says "if you take any one of them out it will die", which is a very Fi way to look at it. Again, when talking to Simon about doctors, he says that doctors should be harmed before they're allowed to practice. This is another Ne/Fi thing to say. He licks a piece of the ship. He is always talking in an active problem-solving manner, asking questions, examining concepts in a very Ne + Te way ("Is a room still a room if no one's in it?", etc). He is a man who sees poetry all around him, and has a sense of wonder and built-in ADHD (The "Lion" miscommunication). I can't tell you how many times I've seen my ENFP partner do the same thing.


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