Dakyung Lee MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Dakyung Lee? Dakyung Lee is an ISTP personality type in MBTI, 5w4 - sp/so - 538 in Enneagram, RCOEI in Big 5, in Socionics.

ISTP for me. Ti. Every solution she uses is the product of her Ti. Not thinking of the most effective and efficient ways to solve the problem like Te users do (Intj or ISTJ are Te users). But instead using her own logical ways of thinking. Like how she thinks it is the best for her to fight alone and not get Han Jeong Woon's offer to get rid of Shin Myung Hwan. Or how she choose to stay over at Lee JaeHyung house despite knowing he is the son of Lee Saeyoung group, and the person he wanted to kill. Or how she thinks it is better to drive away Hwang Jiyeon without giving her explanation ehy she is avoiding her (to keep her safe and not targeted by Shin Myung Hwan). And also how she thinks it is better to kiss Han JeongWoon to keep him shut up (when he ask is she serious to him or Jaehyun). Nothing screams Te to me. Se -She can improvise easily, and strongly gets sweep away by "this/current moment". She gets impulsive, and used many unplanned actions to solve her problem. Such as how she suddenly ask Ahn Yena's number, asking everyone to join to play on the beach, wanting to take revenge for Hwang Ji yeon on dodgeball PE class, etc. She is ISTP with developed Ni. She switches and balanced Se and Ni combination easily, just like how 2nd funcion and 3rd function works in a healthy ISTP or ISFP works. Also Notice how she gets distracted from her goal to take revenge and instead making friends with them. INTJ wouldn't get so distracted like that, and would be more calculating when taking actions, not impulsively like her. -Showing crazy strenght, high flexibility, high sensory sensitivity. So much just like how a pro mafia leader/underworld assasin need to have. Indicating so much Se. Ni -Has good hunches, notice how everytime she fights she always uses her hunches to balance her Se and Ti. -How she planned to make previous Hwang Jiyeon's friends suffer from her catch of dodge ball, in the dodgeball game. -How she plan to take info out of Ahn Yena, Lee Jeahyun, or Han Jeong Woon (even if all done impulsively, still she try to be calculating). Fe -her poor Fe, is the most underdeveloped one, making her fail to recognizes the feelings of others arround her, and even her own feelings all the more She doesn't understand that she is worried about Hwang Ji Yeon, she doesn't understand why the boys love her.


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