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Jemaine Clement MBTI Personality Type

Jemaine Clement MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Jemaine Clement? Jemaine Clement is an INTP personality type in MBTI, 5w6 - sx/sp - 549 in Enneagram, RCUEI in Big 5, in Socionics.

His character on the show is the same type and wing as he is in real life: 9w8. It's not about his ego; he doesn't generally worry about what other people think, but he does mock himself for sometimes being guilty of worrying about Te. He's concerned with his well-being and he works well with others.


Jemaine Clement (born 10 January 1974) is a New Zealand singer, comedian, musician, actor, voice actor, director, writer and multi-instrumentalist. With Bret McKenzie, as the comedy duo Flight of the Conchords, he has released several albums and created comedy series for both BBC and HBO. He has provided the voices for animated film characters, including the giant crab Tamatoa in Disney's 2016 film Moana. He has had featured parts in films such as Gentlemen Broncos (2009), Rio (2011), and Men in Black 3 (2012).

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