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Princess Haiqin Yan (Yulia) MBTI Personality Type

Princess Haiqin Yan (Yulia) MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Princess Haiqin Yan (Yulia)? Princess Haiqin Yan (Yulia) is an INFP personality type in MBTI, 4w5 - sp/so - in Enneagram, RCOAI in Big 5, EII in Socionics.

I heard some say that Yan can be INFJ. it is possible. But while rereading the webtoon, I can feel a strong fi out of her, especially during her first appearance. Like her goals were driven by her feelings. Fi: According to what I've read, Fi users "provide the determination to stand up and provide notice to the crowd that they are wrong." Remember that she was born different by people. She was born from ice, has pointy ears like fairy ears, pale hair, and skin, with icy blue eyes. Because of this, she was called a freak, and they would throw tomatoes at her and create a rally to remove her from society for Ostin (their hero) calls her a freak. "I am the one who caused all this trouble; let me be the one to end it." This gives her a point. She wants to be seen as a true princess, not a freak. This is why she admired Aeolian for she is also a princess, but she was greatly honored by her people.


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