Laurel Castillo MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Laurel Castillo? Laurel Castillo is an INFJ personality type in MBTI, 2w1 - - 215 in Enneagram, RCOAI in Big 5, in Socionics.

i'm kind of conflicted about her enneagram... 2w1 makes sense as 2 goes to 8 in stress and we can see that in the later seasons. but also i'm thinking 9w1? 9 to 6 in stress, which i think 6 was pretty evident in her in s5 (spoiler) where she wanted to make connor and oliver christopher's guardians..? or maybe 6 was just in her tritype? but i think her being a type 9 also makes sense as she's quiet most of the time. from the beginning and most of the time, you can see how she's quiet and she doesn't assert herself unless she sees that it's necessary or unless everything's getting stressful. so anyone help me out here?


A quiet idealist determined to defend the less fortunate, Laurel stays under the radar, making it easy for her fellow classmates to underestimate her. However, with a profound attention to detail and inventive mind, she's talented and darker than anyone realizes. She is portrayed by #KarlaSouza.

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