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Amanda Lehan-Canto MBTI Personality Type

Amanda Lehan-Canto MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Amanda Lehan-Canto? Amanda Lehan-Canto is an ENTJ personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - so/sx - in Enneagram, SCOEI in Big 5, in Socionics.

i think amanda's an ENTJ rather than an ENTP because her se seems very strong. not only that, but she seems very practical. in the smoshmouth with chance— she talks about having had worked since she was 13 and that's simply insane! for her, she talked about it pretty nonchalantly (although, somewhat dramatically for effect) but it just seemed like something she was used to. on top of that, she emphasized her having to work hard to make it as an actor when she finally moved to LA, and she still worked for a decade until she had somewhat of a breakthrough with smosh. fi inferior for that fact that some of her most stressful moments in life don't really seem to faze her, either. moreover, she simply CANNOT have si inferior due to the fact that she's willingly "endured" many laborous, routine oriented— for a near decade— jobs (not to stereotype, i just think an ENTP would prefer to switch it up now and again). i also wanted to point out that she seems to use ni rather than si because she does the classic te-ni usage of pointing out irregularities or illogical systems in satirical ways. fi inferior, again, because she seems to effortlessly satirize things that have prolly been hard for her before (strict, catholic household in childhood; working from a young age). it just seems like she doesn't stress her fi usage too much at all— not becauae she seems horrible at it— more so seems like she just doesn't prefer to use it, and she still seeks like a healthy, self aware ENTJ. she reminds me of danny gonzalez if he were more of an intuitive user, because amanda also has big ideas and abstract joking styles at times. i'd like to cap this comment off with also pointing out that amanda does NOT use ne. she's not making wildly new jokes like noah (INTP), damien (ENFP), angela (ENTP), or even tommy (ESFJ) but she sort of satirizes things she has previously experienced, seen, or heard about (ni useage) similarly to shane (i believe to be an INFJ). she doesn't even use fe often because she's not purposefully crowd pleasing, but her usage of se leads me to believe she is just very good at reading a room and going with the flow. her in sword af and board af clearly shows she enjoys using se (spontaneously interacting with what's happening) but her ni-te also seemed to make her stay in character REALLY well. she retains information like a sponge, and it shows in her improv where she is witty but also makes you go "wow, fhat 'yes, and' moment is hilarious but is SO TRUE'".

