SCP-073 "Cain" MBTI Personality Type
What personality type is SCP-073 "Cain"? SCP-073 "Cain" is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 2w1 - so/sp - 296 in Enneagram, SCOAI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.
hi can i just say something? this boy right here is an ENFJ. now allow me to explain how and why. first i'll be going into the definitions of each letter, then the cognitive functions. for those who don't know, this is cain / scp-073. and in the article, he is described as "polite and welcoming to anyone who approaches him to start a friendly conversation." introverts typically don't like engaging in long conversations, but cain had talked to researchers for hours on end. that's an extrovert trait right there. now, intuition. intuitives are typically the people who would want to use their imagination and memory to solve problems, rather than the five senses. i think it's pretty clear that someone with as excellent a memory as 073 would be an intuitive rather than a sensor. it was written in his article that he was extremely imaginative and had the best memory any of the scientists had ever seen. feeling vs thinking? well, this is very simple! let's look at the history he has with his younger brother. the remorse he felt for ever hurting him. a thinker would say, "ah yes, that was efficient, annoying bitch is no more." but he struggled to get past one day without breaking into tears about the thought of what he had done. it was written in one of the most infamous tales about him, so it's canon. how is that a thinker?? h o w ? not to mention he gets EXTREMELY DISTRESSED when anything uncomfortable to him is brought up in conversation!! judging. like. come on. come on dude. do you seriously think a perceiver would be as organized in data storage as 073 is? judgers are stereotypically organized, while perceivers are more laid-back. cain is the opposite of laid back. and now, the cognitive functions. ENFJ's functions are: fe (extraverted feeling) ni (introverted intuition) se (extraverted sensing) ti (introverted thinking) let's see how this ties to his personality. first of all.. extraverted feeling. where can we see this happening? well, let's start with the obvious. 1. he started conversations with basically every non-violent scp in site-17 (except 343 for obvious reasons) 2. he was kind and genial to d-class personnel 3. he would politely warn people about his dangerous ability of immediately retaliating any sort of violence. he gave everyone a warning. now, introverted intuition. while 073 isn't really a popular character, so there isn't too much about him written, i still feel like there's some hints in the tales about him having a good sense of intuition. for example, remember that time when he specifically told the scientists, "don't put me in the same room with my brother, it won't end well" and they did anyway? remember how much he got hurt after that?? extraverted sensing. this is the function that is tuned in to the surroundings of the individual. it also seeks excitement. while ENFJs don't really go out of their way to have fun, (after all se is a tertiary function for us), we are (for the most part) well aware of what is happening right now. and i can tell, as an ENFJ myself, that 073 has proven to be very well aware of what's going on around him. he knew that site-17 wasn't a jail cell but a laboratory from the minute he stepped in. introverted thinking as an inferior function. "but wait, he's super logical! you must be wrong!" no. you're forgetting that ti develops later in life. and cain is like.. not as young as he appears to be. he's literally supposed to be immortal and young forever. he's 23 physically, at most. but mentally? he's much older. and have you forgotten what he said to his brother when they finally reconciled? "those were the actions of a younger, more foolish man." ti develops over time. anyway, cain is an ENFJ, not an INFP
SCP-073 is a heavily-tanned man of Middle Eastern descent in his early thirties, with black hair and blue eyes, who claims to be Cain, the first murderer. An ancient mark appears branded on his forehead, which repels any damage done to him by his attacker, leaving him functionally immortal. His arms, legs, spinal cord, and shoulder blades have been replaced with artificial versions of unknown make and metal. His presence causes all plant life within twenty meters of him to whither and decay. Cain has been speculated to have wandered the Earth for 6,000 years after slaying his brother and being cast out of his father's kingdom, having only recently been taken into Foundation custody. While detained, Cain has shown himself to be generally friendly and polite to his fellow humans, claiming that his millenia of wandering have mellowed him.
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