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Olivia Rodrigo - jealousy, jealousy MBTI Personality Type

Olivia Rodrigo - jealousy, jealousy MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Olivia Rodrigo - jealousy, jealousy? Olivia Rodrigo - jealousy, jealousy is an ESFJ personality type in MBTI, 4w3 - so/sx - 471 in Enneagram, SLUEI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

I encourage the voters on this website to read the top comments arguing for E3. They are what convinced me to vote for E3 > E4. E4s are all about personal identity and significance, and I don’t see this in this song. In fact, I see a complete lack of this. Olivia is obsessed with how others are perceived and wants this for herself too. She doesn’t seem preoccupied with wanting others to understand her; rather, she is preoccupied with changing her image to fit what society has idealized. E3 is much more focused on what image needs to be presented to appear successful. E4 wouldn’t want to sacrifice their authentic self, which is what I see Olivia doing in this song. While Olivia is very envious in this song, E4’s envy is sourced from believing others are significant and fulfilled, while they are not. Olivia’s envy is much more 3-like in that she sees all the materialistic success people are having and wishes to have it for herself. In other words, she feels worthless because she doesn’t have the image of success others are projecting.

