Yu Ziang MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Yu Ziang? Yu Ziang is an INTJ personality type in MBTI, 9w8 - sp/sx - 946 in Enneagram, RLOEN in Big 5, in Socionics.

Not completely sure about his type but I definitely see the Te-Fi/Fi-Te axis: he doesn't use some kind of personal logic, he has his own convictions and he's extremely sure of what he says, not to mention he sees his feelings for Xu Yuan as something factual that he can't possibly hide or deny no matter what will happen next. I can also see him being Fe blind - conforming to social expectations is completely the opposite he does, he shows a complete disinterest in what will happen to others except Xu Yuan and he doesn't consider his surroundings when he makes choices, not even Xu Yuan if we want to be honest - so IXTJ would be more appropriate; on the other hand, both these functions are high enough so I don't think any of them can be inferior. I would exclude EXFP as he doesn't seem to have neither high Ne nor high Se. I'm prone to think he might be an INTJ rather than an ISTJ as he's somehow thinking about what his action can lead to without considering the past as a relevant criteria, so his Te is most probably helped by his dominant Ni rather than Si. As I said before, though, I'm not exactly sure so my vote is temporary so who knows if it will change in the future c:


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