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Sarjan Bin Mejar MBTI Personality Type

Sarjan Bin Mejar MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Sarjan Bin Mejar? Sarjan Bin Mejar is an ENTJ personality type in MBTI, 9w8 - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.


"OIT! *whistle*" Sarjan Bin Mejar is the school's bossy and power-hungry security guard. He is now currently Cikgu Bedah's husband. Sarjan loves to boss people around much and is also power-hungry at times. He will do the school prefect's job as well. He failed his police entrance-exam but is happy being the "policeman" at school. Even though he looks tough, he has a soft spot for Cikgu Bedah and becomes her crush after helping her from a snatch thief in the last episode of Season 3. He got married to her in Season 4. He also helps other people in trouble besides Cikgu Bedah as shown in Liar, Liar, School On Fire! where he and Cikgu Bedah helped Henry fr

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