Adelaide Sergio MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Adelaide Sergio? Adelaide Sergio is an ENTJ personality type in MBTI, 3w2 - so/sp - 387 in Enneagram, SCOEI in Big 5, LIE in Socionics.

I remembering finishing this manhwa and going on PDB to check her mbti because I was like "Haha she's so Te coded!" And then I see she was typed ENTP. I considered it and thought "maybe I'm missing something" and went back to read and got some more information on ENTJs vs ENTPs. At least I agreed on her enneagram and for tritype im thinking 387. so I'll explain my voting for her ENTJ - 3w2 - so/sp - 387 - SCOEI - Choleric-Sanguine While reading the story and my understanding on TeNi, I really thought she had healthy TeNi behavior. "Extroverted thinking seeks to impose order on the external environment as efficiently and logically as possible. It values productivity above all else and is a results-based, action-oriented function. Extroverted thinking naturally implements concrete plans for accomplishing goals and is quick to make decisions." (1) [Te]Ni Adelaide, her whole character is all about work. Before you start thinking "work doesn't only apply to Te doms." Of course not, one of my best friends is ENTP and they're a workaholic, I'm ENFJ and I'm a workaholic. However, Adelaide works and thinks "what would work the best? what is more efficient? what's the best thing to do here?" She makes a choice that makes sense logically. She doesn't like wasting time and energy, the most obvious and effective solution comes naturally to her. She is highly aware of her environment and is always taking action. examples: ch 2: "If I leave this for tomorrow, 32 stores wont be able to open on time. and if that happens, then the hundreds of employees working there would be absolutely devastated, right?" - Adelaide This happened on the same day Jerox unexpectedly decided to go for her sister instead. Instead of worrying over that, she decided to work. This quote is important because she knows if she doesn't work right now, everything will go out of control. She has no time to focus on what she personally feels about the dispute between her sister and ex fiance when she could be doing more productive things. ch 3: "It's fine. Jer is still useful. Accountants with those kinds of skills are hard to come by. And it is not your place for you to do that. Since I didnt allow you to. Stop getting involved in useless matters and mind your own business. Since I will be the one to take care of my own affairs." - Adelaide to Kayden Adelaide knows throwing Jerox away when he's competent would be a waste. She only wanted to get married to him because he fits her criteria and would work well. She knows she can depend on him for doing a good job and throwing him away would be a loss on her part. To her, keeping Jerox around would be the best thing to do because he is still useful for everyone involved. Te[Ni] ch 10 is a beautiful showcase of her intuition being used. Let me remind you, ch 10 is when she first met Killian and couldn't figure out who he was. She knew he wasn't who she was looking for so she used her intuition to try to guess what he was. In the simplest way possible, Ne is like a tree growing with lots of different branches and Ni is putting the last puzzle piece in a puzzle. Ne is one idea, to a plethora of ideas and possibilities. Ni is a lot of ideas, to one idea. Now that I've explained, let's apply this to Adelaide when she's trying to figure out who Killian is through her intuition. 🡢 "Is there a hint somewhere?" She knows her father knows all important figures in the south, sees San Fidelio's emblem so he must be someone in the church but he doesn't seem to be a priest, is it possible he's the archbishop's proxy even if they're not a priest?, he doesn't even look old, she notices a place where a sword should be, he's a knight, however there can only be one explanation...he's the knight captain! After being very confident in her answer she introduces herself and greets him using his title. She just KNOWS he is the captain and she was right. An Ne dom would be more hesitant with their answer, because what if they're wrong? There's so many possibilities they can't just choose one. If she was an Ne dom I could see her skillfully playing a guessing game with Killian until she reaches her answer. The Ni function is typically described as looking into the future function or something like that, but really Ni doms seem like they know everything because they analyzed everything and picked the most possible answer out of everything. (Midoriya from BNHA is an excellent example of how someone uses Ni or Armin from AOT. They're hit with a lot of things they need to analyze and from that they get the big picture.)


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