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Kwon Sehyuk MBTI Personality Type

Kwon Sehyuk MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Kwon Sehyuk? Kwon Sehyuk is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sx/so - 837 in Enneagram, in Big 5, ESI in Socionics.

How yall see Ne in him? I don’t know if most of the people are typing by stereotypes but let’s get this straight It’s so obvious that he’s a Se dom. Ne dom are mostly be like out of the reality. They have tendency to stay out of the real world seeking possibilities and ,,what could it be” they can see the meaning behind some things cuz they have really high creativity minds that sometimes people think they are in their inner world. And if y’all see Ne you should also bring the argument about his Si that it’s for sure not there. Ne doms they using si in task categorized sensory or physical details. For example practicing skills they remeber what mistake they did in detail Se doms are mostly spontaneous going with their impulses practical and matters of the fact fun-loving realistic and ,,down to earth” He screams with his Se. While reading I didn’t notice any sign of Ne-Si rather his Se-Ni. He’s going with impulsivities risking Humin life being all sure that he’s gonna be safe around him. He’s a free bird and would do anything without thinking if something he don’t like happen. He’s really good with his analyzing data using Se that catch eye on behavior using Ti to analyze the facts using Fe to recognize hiding emotions and ni that helps him have a sudden vision of what could happen.


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