Æthelstan MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Æthelstan? Æthelstan is an INFP personality type in MBTI, - so/sx - 152 in Enneagram, in Big 5, EII in Socionics.


Æthelstan (c. 894 – 27 October 939) was a distinguished and audacious soldier who pushed the boundaries of the kingdom to their furthest extent yet. He took York from the Danes, forced the submission of king Constantine of Scotland and of the northern kings; all five Welsh kings agreed to pay a huge annual tribute, and he also eliminated opposition in Cornwall. Æthelstan became the first king to rule the whole of England and he is regarded by some modern historians as the first true king of England. Æthelstan's codes strengthened royal control over his large kingdom; currency was regulated to control silver's weight and to penalise fraudsters. Buying and selling was mostly confined to the burhs, encouraging town life; areas of settlement in the midlands and Danish towns were consolidated into shires. Overseas, he built alliances by marrying four of his half-sisters to various rulers in western Europe. An enthusiastic and discriminating collector of works of art and religious relics.

Historical Figures Similar to Æthelstan
