Tharaêl MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp


"Welcher Persönlichkeitstyp ist {profilename}? {profilename} ist ein {MBTI} -Persönlichkeitstyp in MBTI, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} in EnneArgram, {big5} in Big 5, {socionics} in Socionics."

*SPOILERS* Using CS Joseph type grid we can immediately exclude every type other than ISFJ ISFP INTP INFP He is definitely not INTP or ISFJ. I myself think he is 100% ISFP I found a good description of an ISFP villain ''An ISFP villain would probably fall under the subtype 'well-intentioned extremist', someone who is doing the wrong thing for 'the right reasons', or to protect someone or something that they care about. This is the type of villain where you would almost be able to sympathize with their point of view, and possibly would sympathize, were it not for the way they oppose the protagonist.'' Sounds like him doesn't it? Tharael is not direct he is informative (explains everything to you in detail) He is not initiating he is responding (he makes you come to him) He is probably RLOEN atleast he shares the characteristics. Especially low openness As for tritype I think it's 468 I don't think he's a 2 (doesn't care about helping others /doesn't give a WACK about achievements) not a 5 but he does have a 5 wing. 6 seems likely because he values the prophets loyalty and not a 7 because he isn't really outgoing for experiences or having fun in general. Gut type is probably 8 because he doesn't care about improving the world (as a 1 would) and he isn't people pleasing like a 9. Tritype® 468, 486, 648, 684, 846, 864-The Truth Teller If you are a 468, you are intuitive, inquisitive, and protective. You want to be original, certain, and straightforward. You are highly sensitive and emotional. You track inconsistencies and are like the ‘canary in the coal mine,’ calling off hidden agendas, deception, and ulterior motives. You are very intense and can sometimes be overly emotional and reactive. You may have strong feelings but are fiercely loving and supportive. Struggling with enneagram but I think it's 6w5 but he is defnitely SX6 IMO In his final confrontation with The Father he goes like 'What?' in a meek voice when it is revealed the Father created him. After that he immediately starts taking a stance of strength again but that is what gave it away to me. This description also fits SX6 and him


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