Luke Kirby MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp


"Welcher Persönlichkeitstyp ist {profilename}? {profilename} ist ein {MBTI} -Persönlichkeitstyp in MBTI, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} in EnneArgram, {big5} in Big 5, {socionics} in Socionics."

he's very eccentric, here is what i observed from one of his interviews: - doesn't like calls - takes time to answer questions truthfully - seems very intuitive and abstract, said he needed to guess how to act out lenny - he's radicant to speak anything about life - seems passive and soft - analytical and abstract - expressive face my guess would be INTP


Luke Farrell Kirby (born June 29, 1978) is an American-Canadian screen and stage actor. In 2019, he won a Primetime Emmy Award for his guest role as Lenny Bruce on the television series The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.

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