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  3. Brazil, Musicians

Lobão MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp


"Welcher Persönlichkeitstyp ist {profilename}? {profilename} ist ein {MBTI} -Persönlichkeitstyp in MBTI, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} in EnneArgram, {big5} in Big 5, {socionics} in Socionics."

Se liguem no egocentrismo - embora a frase tenha certa lógica >>> "Já que eu existo, por que Deus não pode existir?" - LOBÃO, João Luiz Woerdenbag Filho.


João Luiz Woerdenbag Filho (born October 11, 1957), popularly known as Lobão ("Big Wolf", in reference to the Disney depiction of the Big Bad Wolf character), is a Brazilian singer-songwriter, composer, multi-instrumentalist, writer, publisher, television host and media personality. He is perhaps best known for his hit songs "Me Chama" ("Call Me") and "Vida Louca Vida" ("Life, Crazy Life"). Affiliations: Gilberto Gil. João Gilberto. Caetano Veloso. Tim Maia. Luiz Melodia. Paulinho da Viola. Cazuza. Cássia Eller. Renato Russo. João Gordo. Jair Bolsonaro. Lula. Dilma Rousseff. Ciro Gomes. Leonel Brizola. Nando Moura. Gastão Moreira. Luiz Thunderbird. Marina Lima. Olavo de Carvalho. Eduardo Bolsonaro. Gal Costa. Paula Toller. Herbert Vianna. Jô Soares. Nelson Motta. Frejat. Elza Soares. Lulu Santos. Chico Buarque. Elis Regina. Angela Ro Ro. Rita Lee. Roger Moreira. Danilo Gentili. Regis Tadeu. Mano Brown. Jorge Ben Jor. Felipe Moura Brasil. Marisa Monte. Fábio Porchat.

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