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David Alexander MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp

David Alexander MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp image


"Welcher Persönlichkeitstyp ist {profilename}? {profilename} ist ein {MBTI} -Persönlichkeitstyp in MBTI, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} in EnneArgram, {big5} in Big 5, {socionics} in Socionics."

After watching last night's jury segment, it hit me that David is INTP and not ISFP or ISTP. He definitely has Ne, the way he talks. We wanted to put him an ISFP because he seemed to have no Fe, but for INTPs, their Fe is just really weak and it makes sense for him. David is just an INTP who doesn't know the game, but he definitely has Ti, 100%, having listened to him ramble on and on, on feeds about something none of us can understand and definitely has inferior Fe.


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