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  2. Videospiele
  3. Final Fantasy VII

Barret Wallace MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp


"Welcher Persönlichkeitstyp ist {profilename}? {profilename} ist ein {MBTI} -Persönlichkeitstyp in MBTI, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} in EnneArgram, {big5} in Big 5, {socionics} in Socionics."

【 Barret's Big 5 】 Friendliness: 4/5 Gregariousness: 5/5 Assertiveness: 5/5 Activity level: 5/5 Excitement-Seeking: 4/5 Cheerfulness: 5/5 Reserved < Social (4.67-1)/0.04 = 92% ---------------------------------- Anxiety: 2/5 Anger: 4/5 Depression: 1/5 Self-consciousness: 1/5 Immoderation: 5/5 Vulnerability: 1/5 Limbic < Calm (2.33-1)/0.04 = 33% ---------------------------------- Self-Efficacy: 4/5 Orderliness: 3/5 Dutifulness: 4/5 Achievement -Striving: 4/5 Self-discipline: 1/5 Cautiousness: 2/5 Organized = Unorganized (3-1)/0.04 = 50% ---------------------------------- Trust: 4/5 Morality: 4/5 Altruism: 4/5 Cooperation: 5/5 Modesty: 2/5 Sympathy: 3/5 Ego-driven < Accommodating (3.67-1)/0.04 = 67% ---------------------------------- Imagination: 1/5 Artistic interests: 2/5 Emotionality: 2/5 Adventurousness: 4/5 Intellect: 4/5 Liberalism: 5/5 Inquisitive = Non-Curious (3-1)/0.04 = 50%


The loud, boisterous leader of an extremist cell of Avalanche, an anti-Shinra resistance. He believes that shutting down Shinra's mako reactors is the only way to stop them from destroying the planet. He lost his right hand sometime prior to the beginning of the game and had it replaced with a Gatling gun, which he wields in combat.

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