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  3. Reign (2013)

Sebastian "Bash" de Poitiers MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp

Sebastian "Bash" de Poitiers MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp image


"Welcher Persönlichkeitstyp ist {profilename}? {profilename} ist ein {MBTI} -Persönlichkeitstyp in MBTI, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} in EnneArgram, {big5} in Big 5, {socionics} in Socionics."

ISTP: Bash is able to make decisions devoid of emotion, for a greater cause. He has a natural instinct for taking a problem and finding a creative solution to it, such as out-maneuvering the pagans in the woods and sacrificing one of them in Mary’s place. But most of his intellect is not focused on externally shaping the world (becoming king, governing, creating laws) so much as it is toward internal consistency of thought, and in pointing out and noticing logical failings in others (including, at times, Francis). Though amiable and warm-hearted, Bash’s morals are dependent on the situation at hand; he can be argued into an immoral action for a greater cause. He confesses his feelings about Mary freely and is disappointed when she doesn’t reciprocate; he wants his marriage to work out enough to make a real attempt to give Kenneth a chance, even though they were forced into it. He is opportunistic, aware of his environment, and inclined to act within it, for immediate benefit. When Mary shows an interest in him, Bash reciprocates without much thought for the consequences of these actions; he easily fits into the position of a potential future ruler and enjoys the comforts it offers him. But he can also turn around, abandon his former life, and become a nomad when it suits. Bash seems practical and unsentimental about the throne, what it represents, and his own childhood. His ability to sense others’ intentions and predict their behavior helps him in out-thinking the pagans, as well as in discerning what to do about threats to the realm. Bash often works toward the “greater good” of his kingdom, an abstract concept that sometimes means he must step aside and allow others to rule. 9w8: Much to his wife Kenna’s frustration, Bash has no greater ambitions toward becoming king and zero interest in accumulating more responsibilities until pressed into it. He wants to remain comfortable, to attract very little attention, and to come and go freely as he chooses. He can be amiable and unruffled by others’ accusations, but also has a temper that manifests on occasion in fighting. Bash wants to please others and live in harmony with them, but is not above ruthless actions at times to protect his loved ones. He has an earthy, fleshy side that resists others attempts to control him, and can be domineering (such as when he intends, coldly, to sacrifice a man’s life in the wood to appease the pagans). (FunkyMBTI)


Henry's bastard son with Diane, who lives at court with his favor. At the onset of the series, he and his younger half-brother Francis are extremely close, but Mary's arrival drives a wedge between the two of them.

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