Jake MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp


"Welcher Persönlichkeitstyp ist {profilename}? {profilename} ist ein {MBTI} -Persönlichkeitstyp in MBTI, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} in EnneArgram, {big5} in Big 5, {socionics} in Socionics."

Jake is a strong Fe-Ni user. You can see this in how he leads the team. He knows his teammates very well, based on his strong interpersonal connections with them (Fe), and he can see exactly how to use their strengths & weaknesses to reach a single goal (Ni). This is demonstrated in The Solution (#22) (I just used this book to analyze Rachel, so why not Jake too?). (also kinda spoilers for the David arc) When Jake went after David & had to pick another Animorph to send Ax after for backup, he picked Rachel. She was his immediate choice because he knew he could count on her to be ruthless enough to do anything she needed to in case the situation went south (which it was rapidly heading toward). Not only does Jake understand his teammates, but he also uses his functions to understand his enemies. In this case, David. When the cousin of Jake and Rachel, Saddler, miraculously heals when he was on his deathbed, Jake immediately recognizes that David had morphed Saddler and taken his place. He uses his knowledge of David's situation (homeless with no place to go, no life) and the fact that he had noticed David displaying mild interest when he had mentioned Saddler to the team earlier (Se) to immediately identify what David's plan was (Ni, or Ti? not sure tbh). (If I'm not identifying the functions correctly, please let me know! I'm still fairly new to this)


"Big Jake, Fearless Leader" of the Animorphs; not because he wanted to be, but because his friends look to him for guidance. While saving the world is nice, what he really wants most is to save his brother Tom, a Controller. Known as an open and friendly guy at the beginning of the series, the constant pressures of having to act as leader and manipulate his friends for strategic ends gradually cause him to become more ruthless.
