1. Menschen und Charaktere
  2. Filme
  3. Napoleon Dynamite (2004)

Kipland "Kip" Dynamite MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp

Kipland "Kip" Dynamite MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp image


"Welcher Persönlichkeitstyp ist {profilename}? {profilename} ist ein {MBTI} -Persönlichkeitstyp in MBTI, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} in EnneArgram, {big5} in Big 5, {socionics} in Socionics."

Kip to me is clearly an ISFJ. You can tell he has Si Fe as top functions. 1) He refers Napoleon to the nurse (an authority figure) when he does not feel well, even explaining how he knows she has 5 sticks in the drawer. 2a) when Uncle Rico comes to stay with them, he inquires to when Grandma will be coming back (Si) and says how he doesn't mind if he stays after Napoleon complains about him (Fe). 2b) When they watch Uncle Rico's video, Kip responds in a Fe way of not completely telling him how he truly feels (“it's pretty good, I guess"). Also, Kip argues back against Napoleon using his 3rd function Ti when Napoleon says, "it's the worst video ever made" Kip says "like anyone can even know that." 2c) his chat at the diner with Uncle Rico, Kip inquires about Uncle Rico's love life, remembering he was dating Tammy (Si Fe). Kip also seemingly goes along easily with Uncle Rico's "little Project" for money. There are other examples but in general Kip always seems to be amicable toward Uncle Rico and his aspirations /chats about his golden years. 3a). His attraction to Lafawnduh (ESFP) and how she influences him. Before, his attire screamed "social convention", with no real personality; that is until he finally meets Lafawnduh. Not only does Lafawnduh heavily influence Kip’s fashion choice (due to her Strong Se Fi), but Kip also inherits some of her "cool" ways, something I feel an Fe user would emulate to please someone they care about and feel more connected with (Fe). 3b). ESFP being ISFJ's shadow function, there is a clear mind connection between Lafawnduh and Kip. After Lafawnduh visits Kip, the next time Napoleon sees Kip he's transformed. Kip becomes the vision of himself he was subconsciously striving to be (Se Fi). An earlier example of this is when Kip says he wants to be a "cage fighter" earlier in the movie (even though he physically or behaviorally doesn't match up). It's as if Lafawnduh unlocked Kip's deeper side, which explains why Kip says "I'm a 100 percent positive she's my soulmate" in regard to her.

