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That one voicing of the dominant 13th chord MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp

That one voicing of the dominant 13th chord MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp image


"Welcher Persönlichkeitstyp ist {profilename}? {profilename} ist ein {MBTI} -Persönlichkeitstyp in MBTI, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} in EnneArgram, {big5} in Big 5, {socionics} in Socionics."


This voicing has a special property that makes it sound both nostalgic and badass. It can be contruscted by taking a natural minor scale as a cluster chord, omitting the third and moving the sixth down an octave. The voicing was discovered by Fire Axus while listening to the third verse of a pretty accurate karaoke of the Trololo Song https://youtu.be/JPzi5lSKUMM?si=X9oWZk-zHsxf10fx.
