1. Menschen und Charaktere
  2. Filme
  3. Wonka (2023 Movie)

Noodle MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp


"Welcher Persönlichkeitstyp ist {profilename}? {profilename} ist ein {MBTI} -Persönlichkeitstyp in MBTI, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} in EnneArgram, {big5} in Big 5, {socionics} in Socionics."

Si: Noodle is hopeless due to a repeated pattern of familiar cruelty. Due to her world constantly being surrounded by chores and control, she believes her only way out is death, and others can avoid this fate by not signing the contract. Due to Noodle's past being in the laundromat/hotel, she needs a reference behind the ability to see beyond her tried and true limits, consequently why Wonka's dominant extroverted intuition (Ne) is such an appeal despite her fear. At her best, her introverted sensing allows Wonka to see a new perspective, such as her method of teaching him (giant letters on paper) relying on her background knowledge. Te: When Noodle wants to achieve something, it is through the quickest means possible, hence why she says, "*Whispers* Read the fine print." rather than the more emotional (get out, you're in danger). Both statements are factual, but Noodle focuses more on what words and actions are functionally objective rather than the social sum of her surroundings; this action is made clear when he pesters Wonka about needing to read in the zoo before he caves. Fi: Noodle cares deeply for others due to her subjective morals, not how they affect the outside world. Yes, she warned Wonka, yet it was through the most urgent and efficient method possible due to her situation. Also, unlike auxiliary Ti, she cares about the world not through whether or not it makes sense to her but whether or not it aligns with her subjective morality. Even her goal to be loved by her mother is based more on how that relationship reflects on her, hence the bond, which Wonka comments on due to his own experience when milking the giraffe. Ne: Wonka often pushes Noodle to see a world beyond tried patterns, and as a result, she is inexperienced when he takes the lead. Part of her character arc is realizing that not all of life is written, and she too can see beyond her set worldview and, consequently, the conflict behind the little orange man. Until she sees the Oompa Loompa herself, even in a world with giraffe milk, oversized balloons, and chocolate that can make you fly, an Oompa Loompa eating chocolate is still unbelievable, rather than Willy eating his supply.

