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  2. Filme
  3. Thirteen (2003)

Tracy Freeland MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp


"Welcher Persönlichkeitstyp ist {profilename}? {profilename} ist ein {MBTI} -Persönlichkeitstyp in MBTI, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} in EnneArgram, {big5} in Big 5, {socionics} in Socionics."

i think there r huge misconceptions on pdb about fi vs fe- the previous INFJ comments are connoting that trying to mingle with others or seeking the validation of those around u, is somehow a manifestation of fe. fe is not about caring for others or wanting others to care about you, the feeling function is all about ur emotional awareness and what factors do u take in while making decisions. does tracy ever value her external environment or group unity over her own feelings? does she take into consideration the state of external affairs or internal affairs when making a resolution? does she think about the impact of her decisions on her environment? this is the train of thought we have to discuss before typing a person as a fi or fe user. caring about what others think, being altruistic or kind, having ur own thoughts- these arent valid arguments for fe or fi. if we were going to go by such logic or stereotypes, a lot of fi users would actually be xxfj (ISFP yoonbum would be ISFJ). throughout the whole movie, tracy shows a much greater preference for fi over fe; she becomes friends w evie to have a sense of belonging for HERSELF, she makes the choice to befriend the former solely for self-oriented purposes, not the desire to blend in. she wants to feel loved, to feel not ignored as she possibly felt by her mother and father, she basically wants to feel what she deems as absent or lacking from her parents- especially her father. this pattern of wanting to assert one's existence to fill in a void is actually very common in unhealthy fi doms such as gaara from naruto. in the end, when tracy learns of evie's betrayal, she is quick to defend herself; she prioritises the position she is put in over evie's or even what road their friendship has taken. moreover, tracy seems to be in a te grip for much of the movie; one of the first instances of this is when she steals a purse while hanging out w evie and then brings it to her. her inferior te pushes her se-ni to plan out the theft and then use it as a way to slip into evie's circle (satisfying the desire of fi to feel validated). she takes on a passive-aggressive approach to whatever she has to deal with, and wants an objective aspect to everything around her: she shouldn't look badly dressed, her mother shouldn't interfere with her private life, her parents should pay more attention to her, her mother should stop going out w her boyfriend, her friends (including old ones) should never change their opinions about her, her teachers should not complain about her behaviour, etc. her auxiliary se, on the other hand, although very prominent in her life, is quite destructive; she smokes, drinks alcohol, has physical relations w random men, does dr*gs, engages in impulsive ordeals- all just to feel a momentary sense of physical satisfaction. her tertiary ni is not too obvious as she is just a child, and an unhealthy one at that, however, we can still vaguely see glimpses of it in her initial wish to befriend evie. that being said, i am certain her ni is no higher than tertiary. in conclusion, i believe she is a very unhealthy ISFP teenager.



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