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Wolfgang Goldenleonard MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp

Wolfgang Goldenleonard MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp image


"Welcher Persönlichkeitstyp ist {profilename}? {profilename} ist ein {MBTI} -Persönlichkeitstyp in MBTI, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} in EnneArgram, {big5} in Big 5, {socionics} in Socionics."

I'm here to give an explanation of why he is ESFP and not an ENFP Wolfgang from the beginning of both history and his first appearance in general has shown us to be a Se dom. We can see how he is very oriented to his environment, how he concentrates on the present and what is happening around him, he focuses more on perceiving information through the outside world and his senses, In the story, we can see that he is someone who makes quick decisions without thinking too much and to take immediate action to what is happening around him. An example of this, could be chapter 17 "Triple Crown", he doesn't think much about the future consequences that his actions will have (even though Shin tries to reason it) and he only focuses on finding solutions to his immediate present (although to be honest we can take any chapter and we'll see this behavior in everything he does). Also, his whole being can represent a good Se dom, being someone with very good reflexes, always being connected with his five senses, and being someone who is physically good at things since he was a child. Everything that is external stimuli activates him because it's his way of facing the world and getting information. We also see that he works more with tangible and non-abstract information, he focuses more on concrete data and details. It is not possible that he is someone who uses Ne, being someone so guided by the present and his environment, at no time is it exposed to us as someone who is constantly generating ideas or changing opinions or concepts continuously, he is focused on one thing and he doesn't spend more in his mind than in his exterior. He doesn't detect new possibilities for things or abstract information from the external world, he is based on what he has in front of him and not what he generates. He is someone who has been guided by Shin for most of his life once he exposes his ideas and plans directly to him, and he only accepts it (due to his trust in him) In short, he is someone who DETECTS new possibilities but doesn't GENERATE them. After making that clear, Let's go with Fi. He has a good relationship with Aux Fi, he shows us good emotional intelligence, he expresses himself well and accepts his defects and mistakes, he has Healthy Auxiliary Fi expression. He Fi uses when making decisions that need a little more process, taking into account his personal values, and his subjective view of things, by putting himself and others around him, letting himself be carried more by his personal criterion than by what is socially imposed or more acceptable. And sometimes he shows us Te and a not-so-developed Ni. Btw I had never had a crush for an ESFP before, they have always seemed insufferable and stubborn characters, but his Fi made me love him and understand him better omg


Wolfgang Goldenleonard, the 4th Prince of the Kingdom, returns to his father’s palace after spending years in hiding after his mother’s death. Whilst he rejects the King’s way of ruling, he returns and he becomes captivated by Shin, who acts as a catamite for King. He vows to become the next king, so he can remove the cape which brands Shin as a possession of the King.

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