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  2. Religion
  3. Arthurian Legend

Sir Bors MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp


"Welcher Persönlichkeitstyp ist {profilename}? {profilename} ist ein {MBTI} -Persönlichkeitstyp in MBTI, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} in EnneArgram, {big5} in Big 5, {socionics} in Socionics."

I'll be curious to hear if you disagree with me. Here is why I think he's an INFJ: Ni: He is extremely loyal and stubborn, which is most evident during his conflict with his brother Lionel. He refused to fight Lionel to the death and instead sat down and prayed, even as two men jumped in to save him and were killed before him. This extreme devotion to his worldview indicates to me either an Ni or Si dom. Since the fight between brothers started because Bors opted to save a girl's virginity over his brother's life, we could say the conflict is between the value of this current life (indicating Lionel is a sensor) and of the abstract afterlife (indicating Bors is an intuitive). Though it doesn't mean much, his reputation of piety, his occasional visions, and the fact that he counsels Guinevere and mediates her affair with Lancelot are stereotypic of INFJs. Se: In reaction to his own r*pe (which has been depicted in past cultures as simply being seduced through magic), he seems to regret the loss of his virginity and fights to defend the virginity of others, which suggests to me a sort of repentance possibly indicative of inferior Se. During the grail quest, Mallory mentions that, unlike any other participant, not even Galahad, Bors makes a vow of celibacy, wears a hair shirt, and vows to eat nothing but bread, which all sound indicative of an inferior Se method of penance. His body is undeniably a source of stress to him. Fe: I'm on the fence between INFJ and INTJ, but because Bors seems to lack an ego and always serves others, never himself, and because he seems to favor emotionality, I think Fe is more appropriate.


Sometimes referred to as the most pious knight of the round table, Bors the Younger is best known as the third wheel of the trio to achieve the holy grail, alongside Galahad and Percival. He’s generally thought of as the most intelligent of the three. His tales define him mostly though fierce loyalty to his faith and to his cousin Lancelot. He occasionally encounters magical, prophetic visions in one form or another. After having been tricked into siring Elyan the White, he takes a vow of chastity and comes to defend others’ purity. He decidedly endangers the life of his brother Lionel, whose soul he concludes is a lost cause, in order to save a girl from rape. He later refuses to fight Lionel to the death, and his conviction is rewarded with a cameo of the grail that revives his brother’s faith. After having won the grail properly, he mediates quarrels between Guinevere and Lancelot and stands by his cousin’s side till the end.
