Heart MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp


"Welcher Persönlichkeitstyp ist {profilename}? {profilename} ist ein {MBTI} -Persönlichkeitstyp in MBTI, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} in EnneArgram, {big5} in Big 5, {socionics} in Socionics."

since i wanted this subcategory to be made, i thought about my choices in depth specifically for the brain and heart. see my post for brain too: https://www.personality-database.com/comment/5569943 there’s a lot of layers here for my typology choice both archetypal associations and straight up physiology lol so this is gonna get longer than my post on the brain. unlike the brain, the heart has a bit more nuance put into it. the brain is associated with logic, reason, whereas the heart is associated with being the seat of emotions. those “listen to your brain vs. listen to your heart” battles essentially meaning listen to reason vs follow your emotions. even though we know now the heart is just a mechanical pump, and really it’s the brain doing the emotions... so i combined the best of both cultural and physiological worlds: Fe dominance. Te is a function that views the world through this cold “get it done” mentality; it’s very mechanical. Fe is like Te except dealing with sentimental matters. problem solved lol. there’s no doubt that Fi users are sentimental and feel things deeply, but i couldn’t imagine a vital organ that works tirelessly for the rest of the body to be Fi dominant. Fi does not deal with causal matters that affect the objective, external world, but Fe does. Fi is much more similar to Ti than it is to Fe, since it makes internal judgments against a personal standard and checks for incongruencies within its own moral system. Fe makes judgments based on causality between external objects (connotatively). auxiliary Si as the heart keeps a predictable internal pace that still serves the objective needs of the body (dominant Je). (fun fact: the heart has its own pacemaker cells that beat independently from the rest of the body’s influence. if you had a heart and supplied it with blood outside of the body it could still beat without innervation at around 100bpm. another factor into Si lol.) however, it isn’t in a vaccuum like the brain is (fun fact 2: the blood-brain barrier seals that thing off from a lot of crap in the blood) and this pace of the pumping can be influenced by external will; from the brain via the vagus nerve and circulating hormones, hence orienting its will to the object. because the heart works so tirelessly without rest i voted it as type 3. it doesn’t brag about it though, it just works like a workaholic to match what it valuable and needed to others (hence the w2 also). sp/so 3 fits absolutely wonderful. sp/so uses social connections for their self-preservation needs, and this is well demonstrated by the circulatory system itself. the blood vessels connect to many (←soc keywords) distant body parts to deliver nutrients, which in turn sustains the heart itself. keywords for sp/so are “maintaining, conserving, protecting, preserving, supplying, repairing, sustaining, stewarding”. (https://www.personalitycafe.com/threads/my-theory-on-the-synflow-contraflow-instinct-distinction.983642/) the way sp/so is described very much matches both the proclivities of the heart as an organ and of sp3. hudson (yeah yeah yuk it up. these descriptions are more accurate than naranjos In My Opinion since they fix their flaws) writes of the SP3: “• The SP3: the passion of vanity in the SP zones. I translate this as "To be valuable, I must excel in this instinctual area." Thus, SP3s strive for excellence in the 3 zones of Self Pres. These are the hard-working, list-making, task-oriented 3s. They often mistype as 1 or 8. • SP3s are not "flashy" so they may not relate to some descriptions of the 3. They're the "get things done" people, which is a wonderful asset. When SP3s get more fixated though, they become workaholic and don't know when to stop. They may bring spreadsheets on their vacations. • SP3s are usually most focused on the practical maintenance zone: they value efficiency & effectiveness. They may have an exercise routine they work into their busy schedules & do care about fitness as part of their capacity to perform. They may rely on others for a nice home. • When troubled, SP3s may focus on work to the detriment of their relationships, losing connections w. loved ones & becoming isolated. They are at risk of burn out. At their best, they are warm, seeking good uses for their skills & supporting others with their work & dedication. • Naranjo called SP3 "Security," which does highlight the way this kind of 3 is less image oriented. I call this subtype "Efficiency" while the more troubled aspect is "Workaholism." SP3s are the people most concerned with efficiency & managing/streamlining their time & energy well.” (https://www.docdroid.net/QTXfwgk/hudson-subtypes-pdf#page=15) the heart would not be sp-blind. it has a responsibility to transport blood and oxygen to all the tissues of the body, and also neither sx/so or so/sx 3 fit the constant hardworking tendencies of the sp3 doing and doing for what they feel is needed and valuable. [1/2]


The heart is a muscular organ in most animals. This organ pumps blood through the blood vessels of the circulatory system. The pumped blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the body, while carrying metabolic waste such as carbon dioxide to the lungs. In humans, the heart is approximately the size of a closed fist and is located between the lungs, in the middle compartment of the chest. Many classical philosophers and scientists, including Aristotle, considered the heart the seat of thought, reason, or emotion, often disregarding the brain as contributing to those functions (cardiocentrism). The identification of the heart as the seat of emotions in particular is due to the Roman physician Galen, who also located the seat of the passions in the liver, and the seat of reason in the brain.
