R MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp


"Welcher Persönlichkeitstyp ist {profilename}? {profilename} ist ein {MBTI} -Persönlichkeitstyp in MBTI, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} in EnneArgram, {big5} in Big 5, {socionics} in Socionics."

INTP: R is constantly thinking, analyzing, and reasoning out stuff in a dry but humorous narrative tone. He actually wishes he could STOP thinking sometimes, because it’s such a huge part of his existence. He wonders who people are, what their job was in life, what will happen to them. His curiosity leads him to be a hoarder of stuff. He’s pretty pragmatic and detached about what he must do to survive (“Do I LIKE eating brains? No, but I have to in order to survive” etc). When he starts “feeling” things, he actually wonders, “Is this what being alive feels like?” “I just want to connect to other people,” he laments. He wants to FEEL things, so much so that he eats brains in order to relive other people’s memories. The more he comes to know Julie, the more distasteful these things are to him—and the more he spits them out, metaphorically and literally. He is very hesitant to tell her the truth, out of fear of rejection. He feels better about himself when others accept what he is. But R also feels compelled to tell her the truth, that he ate her boyfriend, not realizing that this affirmation of the truth will drive her away from him. For him, it was just a sharing of his feelings and a confession, and it upsets him when he wakes up the next morning to find her gone. He doesn’t understand human emotions, because he is so distant from his own. R has to experience the fear of Julie’s boyfriend when he ate him to truly understand the awfulness of his own “crime” of killing him; it sickens him so much, he spits out the brains. He enjoys being around Julie, who sparks his imagination. R has an unusual way of seeing the world and makes up stuff about other zombies in his spare time. He doesn’t have a problem walking away from everything that he knows and pursuing what has captured his interest in the present – that being Julie. When asked if he wants to go back, he says no. R is the first one to realize all of them are changing, and it is because of his love for Julie. He believes they can all make a difference in the world, and come back to life, if they will take the risk of love. Mostly, until Julie comes along, R has a routine. He goes out, grunts at his friend M, eats some human brains, and goes home to his airplane, where he sits amid his vast piles of collected junk (he has many things he has gathered—books, movies, vinyl records, sunglasses, etc) and listens to old records… things that remind him of being human. He’s bored with it, but what else is there to do except pick up stuff and add it to the pile? Still, though he leaves behind everything, he keeps one thing, the thing that defined him when he and Julie fell in love—his name: R. 6w5: R can’t stop thinking and asking tons of questions as a zombie. He tells himself to “appear normal” and “stop staring” at the woman he has instantly fallen in love with. He warns her repeatedly it’s not safe to go outside, and that she has to trust him, and that the only safe way is for them to do things together. Where none of the other zombies have bonded to anyone, he has chosen a ‘best friend’ with whom he occasionally grunts. R has a sarcastic, irreverent sense of humor. He is very cautious in ensuring that Julie is always safe, but also puts his own “un-life” at risk by being obsessed with her enough to break into the compound and plead with her to advocate for him, because he and his brethren are “changing.” R has a 5ish tendency to collect and horde things, carrying whatever he can find back to his man-cave and stacking it up around him, so that he never runs out of “resources,” although none of them are useful so much as spark his interest. He loves music and enjoys bonding with Julie over it, but also expects her not to venture out into the world without him and is surprised to wake up several times and find out she has done so. He just wanted to hunker down and be with her forever. (FunkyMBTI)


