1. Menschen und Charaktere
  2. Videospiele
  3. Adastra

Marco MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp


"Welcher Persönlichkeitstyp ist {profilename}? {profilename} ist ein {MBTI} -Persönlichkeitstyp in MBTI, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} in EnneArgram, {big5} in Big 5, {socionics} in Socionics."

I have bad memory issues, but to tell you if you've played the game I think he is an ISFP counterphobic 6w5; unhealthy ISFP. fi - does what is morally right in his eyes and isn't afraid to speak up on what he wants; sure, he has sx/sp, but even if he were an ISFP 4, he wouldn't have such a negative outlook on these situations, at least not all the time. Marco also went to Rome despite his parents not supporting and wanting him to go. He does what he wants and is morally over-zealous with how hypocritical he is. He talks about how Amicus doesn't understand Earth culture, and yet, thinks that Earth culture is exactly like Astraian culture and projects that onto others. "If you actually cared about me, you'd care about what I want." literal fi gaslighting here. goes against tradition and projects his values onto others. doesn't really respect ad astrian culture and doesn't seem to put in the effort to understanding their culture for others, only for his own benefit. makes jokes for his own sake and not for others. has issues being socially aware of what the situation calls for and says things that he wants for his own enjoyment, not others. he continues to stay by his morals however and stay within his own zone. he thinks it's weird to date Amicus and seeing himself dating Amicus. He continues to stay by his goal of going home mainly. se - able to assess the situation by figuring out what is happening currently in the moment, but I would say he is looping a lot due to the 6w5 influence, causing him to exhaust ni and te more. makes jokes based on the situation. connects the dots quickly and makes a prediction quickly based on the situation at hand. does rash decisions like jumping into the lake to have a thrill and beat amicus in racing. acted on what he wanted, fi-se. becomes tranced by Cassisus and Alexkios' dancing performance at ignores what is going on around him.


Marco is the default name given to the protagonist of the visual novel Adastra. He is a human who was abducted by Amicus while on a study abroad trip in Rome. Marco must help Amicus become emperor of Adastra in order to return home, and subsequently becomes embroiled in the political intrigue surrounding the succession.
