The Season of Kkok Du MBTI -Persönlichkeitstyp

Was ist der Persönlichkeitstyp Ihrer Lieblingsfiguren von The Season of Kkok Du?

The Season of Kkok Du

The Season of Kkok Du

Kkok Du was once a human male who lived in Korea’s past. The gods have turned him into an immortal grim reaper who must come to the mortal realm every 99 years to ruthlessly punish humans for their weakness and frailty. He has come to despise humans and is now cruel and pitiless. When he comes to the mortal realm this time around, he “possesses” the body of a promising young medic named Do Jin-Woo. (꼭두의 계절, Kokdu: Season of Deity)

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Persönlichkeitstyp The Season of Kkok Du Schauspieler

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