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Zoya tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Zoya? Zoya es un tipo de personalidad INFJ en mbti, 1w9 - so/sx - 126 en enneagram, en Big 5, IEI en Socionics."

まんがえんでのゾーヤさんの過去に関する回想シーンを考えると、1w9だと思う… 「まいごのねこのおうちの場所を誰も知らない状況で、"じゃあどうすればよかったのか"を教えてくれる存在」が、ゾーヤさんの定位における父親的存在にあたる あの場面で「もう迷子にならない 迷子にさせない」「大切をなくさないように ボクが」と自らが父親的存在の役割を果たすことを決心したゾーヤさんはタイプ1だと思う 生得はsx持ちな気がする INFJのILIはすごくぴったりくる!!


His MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eurJC5ElRPE Zoya is a mysterious and quiet boy who wears a blank expression which him makes hard to read. He is very observant of his surroundings and enjoys watching the other children and their interactions, so he has a good understanding of unfolding events and can easily tell when things seem off. While he isn't particularly close to the other children, he worries about them and isn't afraid to stand up for others when needed. However, he hates when others betray him and is quick to turn cold towards them. Zoya can be difficult to understand because he often uses odd sayings (usually involving food) such as "a pancake doing a headstand" and "going to make like a pirozhki." Because of this, he occasionally gets frustrated when others, especially Yu Okada, can't understand what he's saying.

Anime e mangá caracteres semelhantes a Zoya
