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  3. Taoism

Shui (water) tipo de personalidade mbti

Shui (water) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Shui (water)? Shui (water) es un tipo de personalidad INTP en mbti, 5w6 - sp/so - 594 en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

上善若水,水利万物而不争,处众人之所恶,故几于道。 特别像INTP 与世无争


In Chinese philosophy, water (水) is the low point of the matter, or the matter's dying or hiding stage. Water is the fifth stage of Wuxing, the five elements. Water is the most yin in character of the five elements. Its motion is downward and inward, and its energy is stillness and conserving. Water is associated with color black, with the planet Mercury, with the moon (which was believed to cause the dew to fall at night), with night, with the north, with winter or cold weather, and with the Black Tortoise (Xuan Wu). water is representative of intelligence and wisdom, flexibility, softness, and pliancy; however, an overabundance of the element is said to cause difficulty in choosing something and sticking to it. In the same way, water can be fluid and weak, but can also wield great power when it floods and overwhelms the land.The negative emotion associated with water is fear/anxiety, while the positive emotion is calmness.

Religião celebridade semelhante a Shui (water)
