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  2. Desenhos animados
  3. Motorcity

The Duke of Detroit tipo de personalidade mbti

The Duke of Detroit tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es The Duke of Detroit? The Duke of Detroit es un tipo de personalidad ENTJ en mbti, 7w8 - - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."


The self-proclaimed "godfather" of the entire Motor City Mafia and surrounding areas, including the junkyards. In character, his pomp and pageantry are rivaled only by his insolence. Constantly trying to humiliate Chilton for not respecting him. He has his eye on his own car and wants to add it to his collection, but doesn't want to stoop to stealing it. He is indifferent to Kane's attempts to destroy Motor City, but can at times either turn against him or do business with him.

Desenhos animados caracteres semelhantes a The Duke of Detroit

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