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Jang Han-Na tipo de personalidade mbti

Jang Han-Na tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Jang Han-Na? Jang Han-Na es un tipo de personalidad ESTP en mbti, 8w7 - sx/sp - 873 en enneagram, SCOEI en Big 5, SLE en Socionics."

my baby han na <3 I really liked her courageous side in the drama, never afraid to unveil the truth and very protecting towards others "Tertiary Fe dom". She is really beautiful also, the short hair made her stand out a lot. Hope to see her in many successful dramas in the future.


"Jang Hannah | Jung Eugene An agent of Team 1 of the National Security Agency An individualist who has never bent her arguments and should always get what she wants. She, herself doesn't even know how impulsive and hot tempered she is."

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