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  2. Literatura
  3. A Thousand Boy Kisses

Poppy Litchfield tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Poppy Litchfield? Poppy Litchfield es un tipo de personalidad INFP en mbti, 2w1 - - en enneagram, SCUAI en Big 5, en Socionics."

i was rereading the book and i realized she values a lot her individuality, eccentricity, etc. the way the cut off rune after she discovered her illness was her way of trying to protect him, yes, but she didn’t think about what he would feel, just did what she thought was right (her judgement). maybe a sign of Fi? poppy is a really sweet girl, but i don’t know if she’s a Fe user, and if she is, i don’t think Si dom would fit her very well, i would say she’d be more of a Ni user. she’s way too abstract on her thought process to be an Si dominant, for sure. i have to finish the book to give a definite verdict on her type, i’m in between INFJ and INFP, but for now i’m voting INFP! love this book so much, hope it gets the hype it deserves


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