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November tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es November? November es un tipo de personalidad INTJ en mbti, 5w4 - sp/sx - 584 en enneagram, RLOEI en Big 5, ILI en Socionics."

While this is a very weird thing to type, and probably idiotic... I'll agree with the consensus for a reason. November has no intrinsic vibe, as in the north hemisphere, it's a cold and darker month, while on the south Hemisphere it's summer and spring. Because of that, I'll base myself on a more objective measurement, by which I mean externally congruent, something that everyone can agree upon. And that is the holydays. While most would associate Halloween with october. It is actually a November focused holiday. The idea was that November was the end of the year (As if October was December). And when the year restarted, the spirits of the dead would come back alive and that would be the All Hallows eve and Day. Because there were evil spirits, people dressed as "monsters" so they would not be recognized as humans. (This might no be totally accurate). The second of November, would be the day the Spirits would go back to the realm of the dead, and a day in which you would mourn those who passed away. There's also on the international men's day and the american thanksgiving, but I do not think they have much of an impact on the vibe of the month. By using the All Hallows Eve, Day and the Day of the Dead, November seems to be a very spiritual, yet not much sentimental month. I think the idea of looking at death and seeing this idea of spirits is very Ni like, not necessarily because the other can't do it, but because Ni is the one to keep trying to understand the most probable future according to their imagination. While any INXX would work well, I think ILI is the best representation of this idea. ILI being most likely INTPs and INTJs. But I think that Ni-Fi is a bit better at putting this idea through, than Ti-Ne or Ti-Si. Thus, November to me is an INTJ, ILI(Ni)


11th month of the year. November is the month reminiscent of late autumn evenings. The last rays of the sun fall on the land, and shadows become long, but some warmth of the passing day remains. Rich and dark, like the last brown leaves falling from the thinning treetops.
