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Takadanobaba Joji tipo de personalidade mbti

Takadanobaba Joji tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Takadanobaba Joji? Takadanobaba Joji es un tipo de personalidad ENTJ en mbti, 3w2 - - 387 en enneagram, SCOEN en Big 5, en Socionics."

He feels like a Te dom since day one to me, and the fact that he refused to date his best girl friend who truly loved him just for the sake of him continuing to pursue his Prism Star career makes me see his inf Fi. He must be in a Te-Se loop since he is very commanding towards the rest of the Shuffle (poor Ace) and hates failure so much. As for ennea, obvious 3 while his 2 wing, despite how cruel he is to his teammates, comes from the fact that he started training so hard to be a Prism Star was because of his childhood girl friend in the first place. I think he wants to please people, even as the ruthless George.


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