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Ankhsar Khatun “The Eagle” tipo de personalidade mbti

Ankhsar Khatun “The Eagle” tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Ankhsar Khatun “The Eagle”? Ankhsar Khatun “The Eagle” es un tipo de personalidad INTJ en mbti, 3w4 - so/sp - en enneagram, SLOEI en Big 5, en Socionics."


Ankshar Khatun, also known as the Eagle (オオタカ, Ōtaka), is the main antagonist of Ghost of Tsushima: Iki Island. She was the leader of a tribe of Mongolians, known as the Eagle Tribe, who have gained a foothold in Iki. The Eagle was a threat unlike any Jin Sakai has ever faced. Ankshar Khatun is a khatun and revered shaman who is not only a conqueror of nations, but also a shepherd of souls. She is the leader of a mysterious Mongolian tribe who follow her every command and call her the Eagle. The mysterious woman has gained a foothold in the lawless Iki Island. #CompleteMonster

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