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Putri Lembayung tipo de personalidade mbti

Putri Lembayung tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Putri Lembayung? Putri Lembayung es un tipo de personalidad ESTP en mbti, 3w4 - sp/so - 358 en enneagram, SCUEI en Big 5, SLE en Socionics."

update : enneagram 5w4 › 3w4 (not caused by any character development) Name : Lembayung (princess) MBTI type : ESTP (extroverted, sensing, thinking, perceiving Se dominant - Ti auxiliary - Fe tertiary - Ni inferior) enneagram : 3w4 E3 (the achiever) : i once mistyped her as type E5 (the investigator) because she's curious about "unusual things" and something that isn't right traditionally, but since i loved Arok and there's not much image updates of him i usually reread from chapter 1 to see him everyday and then i re-checked this chick's personality type turns out she's E3, the achiever. it's because she didn't like how a commoner girl could have some special access to the Great Room of Tumapel Regent, it makes she feels invalidated as a royal princess and she went "why is this dude more attracted to this low class commoner girl than to me as a harem princess?!!" ya know it feels like a trophy that you should have in your hands been given to someone else that you think isn't worthy enough compared to you. wing 4 (the individualist) wings possible for E3 are 3w2 (the achiever and the caretaker) and 3w4 (the achiever and the individualist) and i typed her as 3w4 because 3w2 didnt make sense at all, and she's quite egocentric which..kind of unhealthy type 4ish ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and also E8, E7, didn't fit her at all. Instinctual Variant : sp/so (self and social preservation ; sexual blind) sexual blind because i don't see any sx traits in her and she seems not minding if Tunggul Ametung married to her and keeping many concubines from the harem because she thought it's natural for men to do so to women and she didn't having the gatekeeper behaviour and keeping Tunggul Ametung for herself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (keep in mind it's mf 13th century) Tritype : 358 Socionics : SLE (Sensory-Logic Extratim) Big Five : SCOEI S (social ; high extraversion) C (calm ; low neuroticism) O (organized ; high conscientiousness) E (egocentric ; low agreeableness) I (inquisitive ; high openness) Attitudinal Psyche : VLEF Temperaments : Choleric-Phlegmatic


Princess Lembayung is the Kadiri's empress' niece and she's currently living in the harem of Tumapel Palace. She made her first debut in the 21st episode : Senjata Brahmana (Brahmin's Weapon)
