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  3. &Audition - The Howling -

Maki (&Team) tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Maki (&Team)? Maki (&Team) es un tipo de personalidad ESFP en mbti, 2w3 - - 279 en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

This boy's need of love and care from a person he admires so much (Harua) is just an epitome of Sexual 2. He wants Harua to reciprocate the same love Maki has for him.


Maki or Hirota Riki (宏田 力), born Feb 17, 2006, is a member of J-pop boy group, &Team, under HYBE Labels Japan, a subsidiary of HYBE Labels. He was previously on the survival show &Audition - The Howling -.
