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The Stranger tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es The Stranger? The Stranger es un tipo de personalidad ISTP en mbti, 9w8 - sp/sx - 954 en enneagram, RCUEI en Big 5, SLI en Socionics."

How in the world would he be a Fi dom when he barely cares for anything, not to mention morals? Instead, I'd say he has an extremely loose moral code... TiSeNiFe makes sense to me. Ti dom: rationalizes everything and leaves little to no room for any emotion. That's his entire life. Se aux: he's said himself that often, he ignores his emotions or they are overcrowded by his physical impulses, which gives me the idea he's a Se user. Fe being last is pretty obvious once you read the novel, he could care less about how others react when he speaks and is painfully honest when speaking. He's not sugar coating anything. When he was in jail, I felt like he could've been in a Ne grip (trickster function wise). He kept getting all these ideas running through his mind, imagining his room, imagining being outside, etc. He also doesn't care to change his ways on anything, doesn't consider other possibilities, which could describe Ne PoLR


The Stranger, also published in English as The Outsider, is a 1942 novella by French author Albert Camus. Its theme and outlook are often cited as examples of Camus' philosophy, absurdism, coupled with existentialism; though Camus personally rejected the latter label.
