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  2. Literatura
  3. The Handmaid's Tale

Aunt Lydia tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Aunt Lydia? Aunt Lydia es un tipo de personalidad en mbti, - - 216 en enneagram, SLOAN en Big 5, en Socionics."

How can she be an ESFJ? Have you at least read “The testaments”? Before Gilead he was a judge, totally dedicated to her career. After being abducted she decides to put aside her personal beliefs in order to survive and acquire power in the newborn society of Gilead, so she can keep her function of judgment. She’s one of the founders of the women caste system. A Fe dom could have a more manipulative approach trying to keep order, she is all about analytically organising her sorroundings and even her competitors, the other Aunts, in order to establish a hierarchy. This sounds more TeNi to me.


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