Lann tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Lann? Lann es un tipo de personalidad ISFP en mbti, - sx/sp - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

I love him so much :( As a fellow suicidal depressed person, he's so relatable. But, well, to the typing stuff... Lann is most certainly an e9, but is he sx/sp or sp/sx? Personally, I think he's sx9 because he's more inclined to "merge" with someone to find inner peace rather than just resort to routine activities. Even if KC doesn't romance him, he's still heavily merges himself with the needs of his tribe and crusade. He also lowkey resembles a Type 2 due to his devotion and how much he invests in people, and sx9's are known for their resemblance to twos. But anyway, I’ll copypaste below some parts the descriptions of both instinctual subtypes of nines. _____________________________ The Sexual Nine: "Fusion" "Sexual Nines unconsciously express a need to be through another- to gain a sense of "being" they don't find inside themselves through fusion with somebody else. They unconsciously use relationships to feed their sense of being because it can feel too challenging or threatening to be on their own; they substitute another person's agenda for their own because it feels more comfortable to stand or be through another. These Nines may not even realize they have made this substitution, however; it often happens at a subconscious level." "Sexual Nines defend against the pain of early separation (and separations in general) by unconsciously denying the existence of boundaries. This is an attempt to avoid being aware of their own deeper sense of isolation, aloneness, and individuality. This Nine may have the sense that "I am when with the other." In maintaining the important connection in their lives, they may be so focused on meeting the needs of others that they betray their own needs. When this occurs, they may engage in passive-aggressive forms of rebellion, such as avoiding someone or ignoring something important in a way that affects the relationship." "Sexual Nines may also share central concerns with Type Twos in that they can lack a solid sense of self and then look to their important relationships as a way to find self-definition or a sense of identity." _____________________________ The Self-Preservation Nine: "Appetite" "The combination of the passion of laziness and the dominant instinct for self-preservation in Nines results in a personality subtype that Naranjo, following Ichazo, calls “Appetite.” The deeper motivation of this subtype of Type Nine is finding a sense of comfort in the world through the satisfaction of physical needs. This personality finds satisfaction in activities such as eating, reading, playing games, watching television, sleeping, or even working (if work is a comfortable thing to do). Whichever form of activity is chosen by a given Self-Preservation Nine, the key is that this Nine expresses his or her need to find protection and well-being by merging with an experience of the satisfaction of concrete needs. In giving their attention over to a favored activity in this way, these Nines simultaneously avoid or “forget” their own being-or the pain of not being connected to their own being-and find a substitute sense of “being” in the comfort of the fulfillment of routine, everyday appetites." "The name “Appetite” doesn’t refer just to eating, but also to the need to find a sense of well-being through the fulfillment of various physical needs-for food, for comfort, for restfulness, or for something interesting to pay attention to that provides a sense of support or structure or peace. Appetite also refers to concreteness, to the grounding aspect of fulfilling physical and material needs in simple, straightforward, tangible, and enjoyable ways." "Self-Preservation Nines are concrete people, oriented to immediate experience, who don’t relate much to abstractions or metaphysical concepts. With these Nines there is less “psychological mindedness” and introspection and more focus on tangible and immediate “things to do.” They find experience much easier to deal with than theory. They don’t always put their experience into words, however-they don’t talk a lot about what is going on inside them in general." "...deep down they usually don’t have the sense of being loved-it’s as if they have resigned themselves to not actively receiving love for themselves. For the Self-Preservation Nine, the search for comfort in pleasurable activities may reflect a desire for compensation for their deeper sense of abnegation, or a giving up of the need for love, with the fulfillment of other appetites. The jolliness or fun-loving spirit of this type of Nine, though it is a very real, very endearing characteristic of this personality may be another kind of compensation for an early lack-they substitute fun for love."


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