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Lily Schechner tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Lily Schechner? Lily Schechner es un tipo de personalidad INFP en mbti, 4w3 - - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

Fi- somewhat of an outsider, Lily keeps all of her feelings to herself. She feels things immensely but doesn’t express these feelings to others. With her 4 enneagram, she has a strong desire to be left alone and is very hesitant to join the coven due to this. Ne- once she discovers she is a witch, she cannot stop seeking out any information she can find and playing around with the idea of what it means to be a witch. She becomes very open minded and explorative. Si- although she is open minded due to her Ne, her Si has held her back. She has a hard time going out of her comfort zone and interacting with her environment. She is slower to learn her powers because she doesn’t trust them (Tert Si and trickster Se.) Te- she doesn’t stand up for herself at all, however, she is shown to be bother responsible and productive and she has a tendency to lash out under stress.

