Pam tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Pam? Pam es un tipo de personalidad INTP en mbti, 9w1 - sp/so - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

Might not be an INTP, though I’m sure on Ti dom. I’m pretty set on 9w1. She’s avoidant, people-pleasing and not very outwardly opinionated. She only snaps and murders her brother when he physically abuses her almost to the point of killing her. Even though she does stand up to Konstantin, she’s not very argumentative with him and ultimately lets him push her around until he tells her to leave, which she uses as an out to the situation entirely. She might be a 6 but 9 seems fitting for her imo. She seems to share a strange sense of togetherness with the dead bodies she works on. I’m not really enjoying season 4 all that much in comparison to the others, and wish she had been introduced earlier to make more time for Eve and Villanelle, but I still like her a lot.


An pathologist with a bully for a brother. She views her work in the family funeral business as a much-needed respite from her troubled home life. #AnjanaVasan
